September 2023: Updating your Dayforce Mobile App, World First Aid Day, Information About Heart Attacks, August Employee Rewards & Recognition Program Winners, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Spoetember 30th, and Renters’ Insurance Info
Posted on Sep 20, 2023
Upgrade to the Dayforce Mobile App
To ensure that all users of Dayforce mobile enjoy the latest version of the app, which contains accessibility, security, and user experience enhancements, a mandatory upgrade will be initiated on September 28th, 2023. Once initiated, Dayforce mobile app users running versions below 2023.1.5 will be prompted to upgrade their app version prior to logging in. Click here for examples of the upgrade prompt that will be displayed upon attempting to log in when running Dayforce mobile.
World First Aid Day
This year, World First Aid Day was observed around the world on September 9. This campaign provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of first aid at home and at work. A medical emergency can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Are you ready? Here are some useful first aid tips, from simple to life saving.
To treat a mosquito bite: Apply firm pressure to the bite for 10 seconds to stop the itch. Use a baking soda paste or hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itching. Take an antihistamine if the bite is super itchy.
To treat a minor cut or scrape: Apply gentle pressure to the wound with a clean dressing to absorb and slow any bleeding. Disinfect then bandage the wound to prevent infection and promote healing.
To treat sprains: Apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated.
To treat heat exhaustion: Drink cool/clear fluids with electrolytes or with a salty snack, apply cool cloths to your head, wrists and back of neck or take a cool bath. If possible, remove yourself from the heat and into a cool place.
Heart Attacks
According to a 2022 Heart & Stroke poll, heart failure touches one in three Canadians, either because they have it themselves or because it affects a family member or close friend. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack.
Common heart attack signs and symptoms in men and women include chest pain or discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder; Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired.
Call 911 if you notice symptoms of a heart attack. While waiting for help to arrive, if the victim has aspirin on hand that you know they aren't allergic to, you may provide them with one and advise them to crush it with their teeth and swallow. Aspirin is effective in slowing clotting and decreasing the size of forming blood clots during a heart attack.
References: and
August Employee Rewards and Recognition Program Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the August Employee Rewards and Recognition Program.
Dr. Turner Lodge - Nominee: Danielle Battistella
Clover Bar Lodge - Nominee: Maureen Brownson
Silver Birch Place - Nominee: Darrell Hubert
Coordinated Services - Nominee: Jennifer Taylor
These people do extraordinary things each and every day. All it took was a special person to recognize that work and enter a ballot into a draw. The feedback and entries that we received in August told some remarkable stories. We can't wait to see the entries for September! Nominate your co-worker today!
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: September 30th
September 30th marks our third year of observing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. September 30th is a day marked to recognize the tragic legacy of residential schools, the missing children, the families left behind, and the survivors of these institutions. One way in which we can honour and remember the innocent children who lost their lives in residential schools is to wear an Orange shirt on this day. The orange shirts are a symbol of solidarity. Wearing orange recognizes the many losses experienced by students, their families, and communities, over several generations, including loss of family and culture, language, freedom, parenting, self‐esteem and worth, and painful experiences of abuse and neglect.
We acknowledge that we work on Treaty 6 lands, which is the traditional territory of the Plains Cree and an ancient gathering place of many Indigenous peoples for thousands of years. These lands have also been home to and are a central trading place of the Blackfoot, Nakota, Assiniboine, Dene and the Metis people of western Canada and the Metis of Alberta’s. May we all take time on September 30th to further our understanding towards this important part of the Truth and Reconciliation relationship.
September 30th, the Day of Truth & Reconciliation, is a statuatory holiday. If you are scheduled to work and you work you will receive general holiday pay (Average daily wage + time and a half (1.5x) for each hour worked on September 30th). This statutory holiday is the day to honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities
If you are a full-time employee (30+ hours per week) who works a normal work week of Monday through Friday - your stat in lieu will be Friday September 29th.
** For more information on our General Holiday Policy, please refer to the Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual, the policy is 3.11 General Holidays **"
Information About Renters’ Insurance
Insurance is an important thing to have to protect yourself and keep you safe from many risks and problems. Many renters mistakenly believe that their personal belongings and interests are covered by their landlord's insurance in the event of an accident or injury. Unfortunately, this assumption is wrong, and failing to recognize the difference between landlord insurance and renters’ insurance can expose you to serious monetary repercussions. Some commonly asked questions about renters insurance are answered below.
Q: Why do I need renters’ insurance?
A: Rental insurance is important for renters in Alberta because it keeps you safe from many risks and problems. It covers your belongings, helps if someone gets hurt because of you, and reduces costs if you have to move temporarily. It ensures your costs are minimized (minus the deductible) if something unexpected happens, even if it is not your fault. All tenants in HHF properties are required to have renters’ insurance.
Q: Does my landlord’s insurance cover me for insurance claims that are not my fault?
A: Landlords do not cover these claims because renters and landlords have different insurance. Renters insurance covers your things and accidents that impact your things or your personal liability. A landlord’s insurance covers the building itself, but not a tenant’s belongings.
Q: How is apartment insurance different from car insurance when it comes to claims?
A: In apartment insurance, they focus on who is responsible, not who is to blame. Most apartment problems happen by accident, not on purpose.
Q: What happens with insurance if the damage is not my fault?
A: Imagine a bathtub in the apartment above you overflows and your place gets soaked, and your belongings are damaged. This is when you need to make a claim with your insurance. You will still need to pay a bit before the insurance helps. This small amount you pay is called a deductible.
Q: What is a deductible in renters’ insurance?
A: A deductible is money you pay from your pocket before insurance helps with a claim, even if it is not your fault.
Q: How does the deductible work when filing a renter’s insurance claim?
A: If you have a $1000 deductible and the damage costs $2000, you pay $1000, and insurance covers the rest.
Q: Can the deductible amount be adjusted in a renters insurance policy?
A: Yes, you can negotiate a lower deductible. A higher deductible usually means lower insurance payments, but more cost to you when you make claim. We encourage tenants to negotiate a policy that will work best for what they can afford on an ongoing basis and in the event of a claim.
Q: Are there situations where I don't need to pay a deductible in renters’ insurance?
A: Yes, you do not pay a deductible for injuries and medical payments to others. This helps if someone gets hurt in your home.
Q: How does the deductible apply in cases where the damage is not my fault?
A: Even if it is not your fault, like if a neighbor's plumbing damages your place, you still pay the deductible first. Your insurance might try to get it back from them later.
Q: Where can I learn more about the importance of renter’s insurance?
A: Talk to different insurance companies and ask lots of questions. Consider your belongings’ value, what deductible you can afford, and if the coverage is good for emergencies.