October 2023: World Mental Health Day, Recognition & Reward Winners, New Dayforce Features, Flu Awareness & Prevention, and Payroll Diversion Fraud Information
Posted on Oct 18, 2023
World Mental Health Day
October 10th, was World Mental Health Day aimed to raise awareness of the stigmas surrounding mental illness and the importance of promoting mental health.
Our mental health is a key aspect of overall health and can range from poor to positive and even to excellent, shifting throughout our lives depending on personal experiences and how we manage the stressors we face. For World Mental Health Day, we are shining a light on positive mental health — something we can all pursue by being proactive and adopting preventative behaviours like self-care, stress management, and a healthy lifestyle! Embrace positive mental health practices and self-care, and be an example of balance. You can use strategies to help you put yourself first, manage unhealthy stress, build resilience, or make it through a challenge.
Every employee of HHF has access to the Employee Assistance Program through Telus Health ( formerly called Lifeworks). On their website (one.telushealth.com), you can listen to podcasts, find thousands of expert articles and recordings or use their interactive tools as well as our toolkits.
Online Toolkits: Feeling overloaded or stressed out? Are you concerned about a loved one's emotional well-being? Our Online Toolkits can help! Whether you connect to our platform by browser or by free, user-friendly mobile app, you'll discover a wealth of toolkits to support you in managing issues you may be facing. Log in to the platform today to view our Online Toolkits that include:
- Depression
- Burnout
- Health and Well-being
- Stress Management
- Suicide Prevention
- And many more!
Username: heartland
Password: eap
Toll-Free Phone Numbers: To access our toll-free phone services, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, please call us at:
English: 1-844-671-3327 French: 1-855-360-5485 TTY: 1-877-338-0275
Sunlife our Benefits provider has also has a resource available, if you click here, you can access their 'Supporting your mental health and well-being' resource. It’s an informative and easy-to-use document. It provides actionable hands-on steps and helpful guidance for supporting the mental health of plan members and their dependents.
Employee Rewards and Recognition Program Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the September Employee Rewards and Recognition Program.
Dr. Turner Lodge - Nominee: Maintenance Team, Andrew Powell, Thomas Corpe, and Will Roth
Clover Bar Lodge - Nominee: Eric Pagdanganan
Silver Birch Place - Nominee: Maria Porca
Coordinated Services - Nominee: Amanda Lastua
These people do extraordinary things each and every day. All it took was a special person to recognize that work and enter a ballot into a draw. The feedback and entries that we received in September told some remarkable stories. We can't wait to see the entries for October! Nominate your co-worker today!
New Dayforce Feature
We are excited to bring you the latest feature on the Dayforce Website! Earnings Statement Explanation is a new section in the earning statements section, where you will have the ability to view in more detail the information about your pay such as a breakdown of earnings and the dates you worked, what shifts were premiums paid on, details about how your pay is calculated and much more. Please click here to find an example of how to access and use this feature. We hope that this new feature will be a benefit to you. ** Please note*** This feature is available only on the web browser version of Dayforce.
Flu Awareness and Prevention
The 'flu' can be very dangerous to people at high risk – including people over 65, people with chronic medical conditions, pregnant women and young children which can lead to hospitilization and even death. As we work with seniors every day, this is especially important to our community.
Influenza Awareness
The 'flu' is a respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It is highly contagious and is normally spread by the coughs and sneezes of an infected person, but can also be spread by touching something that has the 'flu' virus on it.
Signs and Symptoms
- Feeling feverish/chills
- Cough and or Sore Throat
- Runny or Stuffy Nose
- Extreme Muscle or Body Aches
- Unusual Headaches
- Extreme Fatigue
Illness Prevention
- Frequent, proper hand washing
- Covering coughs and sneezes
- Limit close contact with others
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Frequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces
- 'Flu' vaccine! According to the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), Health Canada and CDC, whether working in direct resident care or not, all staff should get the flu shot.
Decide whether to add other illness prevention measures like wearing a mask or avoiding events and close contact based on the level of flu and COVID-19 in your community and your personal risk and comfort levels.
References: https://continuingcaresafety.ca/resources/influenza-the-flu/
Payroll Diversion Fraud
Have you heard of Payroll Diversion Fraud? Counterfeit Dayforce websites are designed to illicitly harvest user credentials as well as online campaigns aiming to offer gift cards, which trick users into divulging their Dayforce login information. We remind you to bookmark the correct URL for Dayforce (www.dayforcehcm.com), and to not use a search engine, like Google, to log into the application. Cyber adversaries are creating counterfeit websites that look like Dayforce to harvest login credentials from employees, some of which may appear in search engines until they are removed. We remind you to be diligent in keeping your login information safe and not to give it out to anyone. Click here for an example of search results showing a counterfeit website.