September 2024: RRSP Management Resources, Understanding your LAPP Pension Plan, and World First Aid Day

Posted on Sep 19, 2024

RRSP Program – Capital Planning – Educational Videos Campaign 

Capital Planning is HHF’s Partner that facilitates and coordinates our RRSP with Canada Life ag is running an educational campaign to help build an understanding of RRSPs and how they can help you plan and save for retirement. 

The campaign is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your financial future. Through a series of engaging videos, we’ll walk you through the essentials of personal finance—from core strategies to investing for the long term. Each video is paired with digital handouts that reinforce the lessons and provide practical tips you can use in everyday life.
Whether you're just starting out or looking to boost your financial literacy, this series is your guide to making informed and confident decisions. Let's embark on this journey together and take the first steps toward financial wellness! Stay tuned for the upcoming videos, and don’t forget to download the accompanying handouts for additional tips and action steps.

You can find links to the first 2 videos in the series as well as some handouts here: Financial Education (


Understand your LAPP Pension Plan with Easy Online Education Sessions

LAPP (Local Authority Pension Plan) Members can go online and register for easy-to-understand sessions about their Pension Plan. All you need to do is go to and register. Sessions include:
• Get Ready to Start Your LAPP Pension;
• Increase Your LAPP Pension; and
• Changes to Your Employment

Webinar topics, dates and times are listed below:

Thursday, September 19, Get Ready to Start Your LAPP Pension, 1:00 pm
Wednesday, October 2, Changes to Your Employment, 1:00 pm
Tuesday, October 15, Get Ready to Start Your LAPP Pension, 9:00 am
Thursday, October 17, Increase Your LAPP Pension, 9:00 am
Wednesday, November 6, Get Ready to Start Your LAPP Pension, 9:00 am
Tuesday, November 12, Increase Your LAPP Pension, 1:00 pm
Thursday, November 21, Changes to Your Employment, 9:00 am
Tuesday, December 3, Increase Your LAPP Pension, 9:00 am
Thursday, December 5, Changes to Your Employment, 9:00 am
Thursday, December 12, Get Ready to Start Your LAPP Pension, 9:00 am

Now, through live webinars you can learn more about how the deductions from your paycheck and your employers’ contributions work together to help you save for tomorrow. Retiring soon, or changing jobs? These sessions will also show you the important pension decisions you need to make. REGISTER TODAY


Did you know September 14th was World First Aid Day? 

First Aid Day is celebrated globally to highlight the importance of first aid at home and at work. Medical emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Are you ready? Here are some useful first aid tips, from simple to life saving.
To treat a minor cut or scrape: Apply gentle pressure to the wound with a clean dressing to absorb and slow any bleeding. Disinfect then bandage the wound to prevent infection and promote healing.   
To treat sprains: Apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated.
To treat heat exhaustion: Drink cool/clear fluids with electrolytes or with a salty snack, apply cool cloths to your head, wrists and back of neck or take a cool bath. If possible, remove yourself from the heat and into a cool place. 

Heart Attacks
According to a 2022 Heart & Stroke poll, heart failure touches one in three Canadians, either because they have it themselves or because it affects a family member or close friend. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack. 

Common heart attack signs and symptoms in men and women include chest pain or discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder; Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired.
Call 911 if you notice symptoms of a heart attack. While waiting for help to arrive, if the victim has aspirin on hand that you know they aren't allergic to, you may provide them with one and advise them to crush it with their teeth and swallow. Aspirin is effective in slowing clotting and decreasing the size of forming blood clots during a heart attack. 

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