October 2021 - Online Paystubs, Benefit Updates, and Information on a Common Workplace Injury
Posted on Oct 19, 2021
Viewing Your Paystub Online
Hello from the payroll desk! HHF pays its employees on a bi-weekly basis through direct deposit. Using the Dayforce web application, your current and past earning statements are available for you at your fingertips on the earnings screen and selecting the earning stub you want. Did you know your earning statement appears in the same format as a traditional printed pay stub? You can print your earning statement using the print button. Using the arrow buttons on the fly out page you can easily navigate to past statements. Some basic items on your earning statements: regular hours, Stat pay, premium pay and vacation pay. You will also see items such as tax deductions, benefit deductions (if applicable) and net pay. Click here for a sample view of a pay statement.
You also have access to your earnings through the Dayforce App. The mobile earnings preview is for your convenience as a quick preview of your earning. It is not meant to replace the web browser version of our earnings statement. Either way, employees have quick, easy options to view their bi-weekly earnings at their convenience.
Accessing Your Benefits Online
Did you know you can access your benefits online? Employees with benefits can view their coverage, submit claims, check balances, etc. If you provided your email address during your initial benefit paperwork you would have received an email from GroupHealth with a username and password. If you did not receive this email, or did not provide an email during initial paperwork, please call GroupHealth at 1-833-344-6944 to provide your email and have a username and password sent to you.
Fun Fact, GroupHealth also has an App you can use too. Login in to MyGroupHealth with your provided username and password to start accessing these services today.
GroupHEALTH Benefits Plan Has Been Updated
UPDATE TO YOUR BENEFIT PLAN - On October 1st GroupHealth made some changes to some key insurers and service providers. This change doesn't impact the coverage that employees have. Just the way in which an employee needs to file a claim. Below is a list of the benefits impacted by the change.
Out of Country Travel & Trip Cancellation (Trident Global Assistance at 1-855-234-3545)
Medical Second Opinion (WorldCare at 1-877-676-6439)
Check the ‘My Benefits’ section on the myGroupHEALTH app or website to check coverage.
Things to do:
- Update your Emergency Travel Card - Login to the myGroupHEALTH app, which will update your Emergency Travel Card. You should securely destroy any outdated Emergency Travel Cards you may have.
- All claims incurred on or after October 1, 2021 should be submitted to your new service providers.
If you have questions about these changes, reach out to myGroupHEALTH (by phone at 1-833-344-6944 or email at askus@mygrouphealth.ca)
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Did you know Musculoskeletal Injuries (MSI) are the second most prevalent personal injuries that affect Canadian workers?
The Government of Alberta defines MSI as: an injury or disorder of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other soft tissues. (e.g. sprains, back pain, arthritis)
Having an MSI can prevent us from working safely, lead to long recovery times and prevent us from enjoying the activities we love on our personal time.
Prevention of MSI can improve our productivity and well being on and off the job. For resources on how to avoid these injuries, check out these helpful resources from the Government of Alberta: https://ohs-pubstore.labour.alberta.ca/musculoskeletal-disorders