December 2022: 2023 Tax Forms, Holiday Decorating Safety Tips, and Update on Benefits Provider
Posted on Dec 13, 2022
2023 Tax Forms
One thing is for certain -- TAXES! Let’s talk about TAXES. Each year the provincial and federal governments release an updated tax form showing the current basic personal amount. For 2023, the Federal Basic amount is $15,000 and the Alberta Basic amount is $21,003. If you have previously filled out a tax form in which you claimed the basic personal amount and you want to continue to claim the basic personal amount for the upcoming 2023 year, no action is required. If you claimed an amount that is not the basic personal amount, your situation has changed, or you want to update your tax forms, you will need to fill out a new 2023 Alberta and Federal Tax form. You can request these from your manager and once completed, hand it back to your manager who will forward them to Payroll for updating. Alternatively, you can update your tax forms directly on Dayforce, by logging in and selecting the forms tab under the profile option where you will find them listed as Tax Forms. Dayforce will provide the updated 2023 tax forms on or before Jan 1, 2023, for employees to complete.
Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
Decorating is one of the best ways to get in a holiday mood, but emergency rooms see thousands of injuries and fires involving holiday decorating every season. If you decorate over the holidays, be sure to follow these tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:
- Keep potentially poisonous plants such as mistletoe, holly berries, Jerusalem cherry and amaryllis – away from children
- If using a live tree, cut off about 2 inches of the trunk to expose fresh wood for better water absorption, remember to frequently water it and remove it from your home when it is dry
- Place your tree at least 3 feet away from fireplaces, radiators, and other heat sources, making certain not to block doorways
- Avoid placing breakable ornaments or ones with small, detachable parts on lower tree branches where small children or animals can reach them
- Only use indoor lights indoors and outdoor lights outdoors, and choose the right ladder for the task when hanging lights
- Replace light sets that have broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections
- Turn off all lights and decorations when you go to bed or leave the house
- Place candles where they cannot be knocked down or blown over and out of reach of children and use flameless, rather than lighted, candles near flammable objects
Wishing you and your loved ones a safe, healthy, and happy holiday season!
Benefits Update
Update for all employees with HHF Benefits. On February 1, 2023, HHF will change benefits providers from GroupHealth to Sunlife. This transition is planned to be a smooth process with no additional paperwork needed from employees. Additional information about this transition will be shared with all staff during our January Staff Meetings. Stay warm and Happy Holidays.